Mercenaries of Andosia [MoA]

Darkspace client 1.4

Date: Saturday, March 30 2002
Topic: DarkSpace

Hoi hoi all,

die version 1.4 ist nun bereits seit 23.03 released....

the Version 1.4 is now released since 23.03. ....

und es gab bereits einige updates.

- Fixed a CTD when switching from navigation view to planet view. - Fixed the disappearing planet buttons on the planet view - Added code so when you select a structure or unit of a planet, it will still show the blink the border on the planet button in the navgiation/planet views.

Units now gain experience from combat, forgot to add that, but remembered to remove the code from the barracks that increased their experience.

- Added armor unit to ICC/UGTO technology. - Added code to remove invalid trade routes from the planets. The routes are checked once per minute, any trade routes to enemy planets, or planets without an star port are removed.

Added code to reset the lock rank when a planet is captured. - Added code to check once per minute that atleast one ship is equal or higher than the current lock rank of a planet. If not found, then the rank is dropped to the highest rank found of the same faction. Note.. the players must be in a ship

- Fixed the bug which allowed gas and inferno planets to be captured. Added code to remove all structures and units from those planets on the next update.

- Fixed code which was preventing the servers from automatically being restarted by the SuperServer when a crash occurs. Before they would just hang, until an admin got on the machine and restarted the server manually. They will now exit correctly, and log all error information. If they are being managed by a SuperServer, then they will get restarted.

Changed the code so updateIntelligence() is only called 1 per second, instead of 20 times per second. This will create a small amount of lag in intelligence information, but it should make very little difference.

- Fixed a bug with shield generators working despite them being offline and disabled.

- Fixed some code in the low-level network code, which we think was responsible for the problems we've been having with some netgear/linksys cards. Basically, there were some benign winsock errors I was treating as connection closing type errors.

- Disabled Ships Damage gain from destroying AI controlled ships. This means, you gain no prestige ffor attacking gaifens or AI transports in-game.

Icon for refit button made brighter, it was Dark Blue, making it impossible to see. - SABOT rocket has been added to the ICC technology tree... also, Sabots no longer cause planet damage, they can be only used against ships, and their damage has been toned down some. - Your ship in the MetaVerse is now unique to that MV. If you change MetaVerse's, then your ship and faction information is reset. - Fixed the ELF Beam effects. Toned down the energy drain to 15,000 energy units at close range. This is enough to bring down a shield facing which is only 12,000 energy units. - Star Ports now only require 1 worker instead of 4. - Disband unit now works... seemed to have the button, but forgot to implement the code. - Scrap building now checks the lock state of the planet.

Scrap, Disband, Pause, and Continue commands now check the planet lock status. Before, anyone of the same faction could pause structures, including the colony hub for example, dispite their rank preventing them from doing this. This might have actually been the source of some of the sabotage we've been seeing in the MV. - Disbanding a unit, with 50% health or better, will add 1 to the population of the planet.

Added code to the ship AI code to use jump drives when moving to a target more than 2000 gu away. This means, AI transports will now use their jump drives. This also means, if you Follow/Orbit another ship/planet, your ship will automatically use it's jump drives to get there... the code does check for a possible planet/star collision, and will do multiple jumps if needed to avoid on the way to the destination

Fixed trade route code, so you can setup trade routes with planets more than 10,000 gu away.

Those without Audio cards rejoice... DarkSpace now ignores a failure to initialize the audio device.

Change the code so when you die in the MV, you are redirected to the home system and will spawn there.

ELF device will be redone to work just like a pulse shield. It can be used, which will pull energy from all local ships in the area. However, you'll have to wait 30 or more seconds before using it again.

Shields will now protect a ship against ELF & EMP damage, this means that shields will go down when EMP or ELF devices are used against the shields. However, armor doesn't protect the ship against ELF devices.

I've created a new device called the ELF Beam, which will replace the ELF Device on all k'luth ships.

- Added a mining beam technology to all faction technology trees

already created a new "EMP Cannon" weapon, which I will be adding to the technology tree for the UGTO tomorrow. This weapon, unlike the EMP device, can be fired at a specific target.

Also... I've rebalanced the damage of all internal systems, making them a bit tougher to match the strength of armor/shields. This was needed, since I need to keep the EMP damage around 10,000 ...

Added SABOT rockets to the ICC technology tree

This article comes from Mercenaries of Andosia [MoA]

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