Mercenaries of Andosia [MoA]

Zwei neue Sternenkrieger - Two new starwarrior

Date: Thursday, August 30 2001
Topic: Mercenaries of Andosia

Hi [MoA], Hi All,

wir begruessen zwei weitere Sternenkrieger bei uns.
we welcome two further starwarrior, who would fight on our site.

Willkommen bei den Mercenaries of Andosia

[MoA]ThreeJay (DarkSpace)

[MoA]CowboyFromHell (DarkSpace)

Welcome to the Mercenaries of Andosia

[MoA]ThreeJay (DarkSpace)

[MoA]CowboyFromHell (DarkSpace)


This article comes from Mercenaries of Andosia [MoA]

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