Ein neuer Clanmember - A new Clanmember

Topic: Mercenaries of Andosia Hi [MoA], Hi All,

wir begruessen einen weiteren Clanmember bei uns.

we welcome a further clanmember.



Willkommen bei den Mercenaries of Andosia

[MoA]littlebig (DS) (Polen)

Welcome to the Mercenaries of Andosia

[MoA]littlebig (DS) (Poland)


Ein neuer Clanmember - A new Clanmember

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Wotan75 writes on 14-06-2002 10:20:
Wellcome in our Clan.
See you in Space :)
Morbus writes on 14-06-2002 09:18:
Welcome on board littlebig
Bumblebee writes on 13-06-2002 13:16:
a warm WELLCOME to you - you will find a lot of fun here

as i have seen, you did a well job in the MV, the last days, so, you are not only a wellcomed friend, but a "upgrade" to the glory of the MoA also

patlukowsky writes on 13-06-2002 10:31:
howdy little,

lets have fun in the MV :)