Today is a bad Day

Topic: DarkSpace Hoi hoi all,

today i got a really bad message about a Member of MoA....
This Member want to left our Clan.

Its a well known and old Member, and he goes to help a little Clan.

Well, so i will wish him good luck there and have some Fun.

We will miss you, [MoA]Bumblebee...

If u see him in the Future he will be known as


Muuhahaaa i got u all :P
Grats to Bumble´s new Position as he is a white shirt

cya [MoA]Patlukowsky 27.6.02 Bumblebee DONT left MoA....he made a new account ...just FYI

Today is a bad Day

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Wotan75 writes on 26-06-2002 09:07:
Hi Bumble,
schade das Du den MoA-Clan verlassen hast,
somit wird es noch einwenig leerer in unseren Reihen werden.
Ich hoffe Du findest dennoch einwenig Zeit ab und zu ein Schiff zu betretten und Dich in eine Schlacht schmeissen, denn man konnte sich immer auf dich verlassen. :)
Es hat mit Dir immer viel Spaß gemacht, Danke für die schönen Stunden.

Gruss Wotan der Untröstliche :(
Bumblebee writes on 25-06-2002 21:21:
nooooo, not Bumble, the one and only

a bad day - agreed - how could he, and only for a white shirt

the MoA-green-one is sooo nice, and this Id***t change it to a very pale white - hhhmmmmm

thanks for the wishes, i need them, and your help to do the job well, i hope to serve all

[MoA]Bumblebee and [PS]TheBumble - both of them :)